Plots 1 and 3 Consultation
This consultation is now closed. Please do ask the team if you have any questions using the details below.
Phone: 020 7729 1705
Email: consultation@ deptfordlandings.co.uk
About the project
Deptford Landings will make up part of a new community in North Deptford, located between Pepys Park and Deptford Park (see map below). The 4.7 hectare former industrial site will bring forward new homes together with new retail, workspaces and opportunities for flexible working and start-up businesses.
The consultation relates to the changes being proposed to the 2016 detailed planning permission for Plots 1 and 3 to the south of the site adjacent to Dragoon Road.
It is anticipated that this planning application will be submitted to Lewisham Council in early 2021.
To find out more about the proposed changes, please view and download our project Information Boards.